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Jane's dream

This is Jane's dream, as she painted it. God let her see heaven in a dream that he sent her.

In her own words: God my perfect father visited me in a dream one night. God saw me staring out at the sea. He knows the way the sea brings a silent calmness and pleasure to my soul.

I was given a small glimmering view with misty prisms of light and perfect color so beautiful it was not of this Earth but a view from a window from my home in The Kingdom of God. Hallelujah!

The light in heaven is so bright from God that the sea is hardly visible in her dream, but she saw it in the background of God, who is light, 1 John 1: 5. She has visions from God, too, which is quite normal among Christians, since God speaks and gives instructions and encourages us.

The Dream: Blue colour is the Prophetic, since it is the Holy Spirit represented by the water, and the water is still, as God's Peace comes by the dreams and visions. God shows Jane that he is the focus of attention, that he gives her light in her life by the visions and dreams, because he is the light in her life, as it reads about Jesus in John chapter 1. God comes to bring peace in our lives.


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